I am the wife of a wonderful educator, the mother of five great kids and the grandmother of nineteen charming grandchildren.  I love learning, teaching, reading, speaking, writing, photography and music.  I could add a lot more to that list but life is only so long, right?

My great purpose in life – My Why is –

To ignite imagination and belief in one’s infinite possibilities so

that each can become the most joyful and best version of herself.

I am a facilitator of dreams and a catalyst for change. And I feel that

together, we can make amazing things happen!

I hope you’ll join me!

Elizabeth Willis Barrett

I have a special affinity for those who want to make things happen. I know that many women are content and don’t have a need to push their limits to see what they’re capable of. But some of you are just like me. We have things we still want to do, ways we still want to become. Together we can inspire each other. We can arouse curiosity in what is possible. We can rediscover our dreams and our purpose and become the best versions of ourselves—whatever that looks like in our individual lives. And as we do that, we can make our tiny corners of the world a little brighter, a little more hopeful. Hope you’ll join me in this quest!