Where did my life go?

Have you ever woken up on a given morning and wondered, “How did I get to this point in my life? And how did I get here so fast? What happened to my dreams? Wasn’t I going to write a book? Wasn’t I going to get physically fit? Wasn’t I going to walk the Appalachian Trail? Or learn Spanish? Or reconnect with a childhood friend? Or mend a family relationship?


Time goes by so fast, and sometimes our desires, hidden or known, get shoved to some dusty back corner of our lives creating a gap of where we are and where we’d like to be.

Join us on Facebook and Instagram for hints and inspiration to help us all

Rock the Ages and Exult in Life’s Second Half!



3 Individual (55 minute) Zoom sessions -Requires preliminary reading, writing and reflection

Your “why” becomes a personal roadmap to guide you through the rest of your wonderful life! It will give you focus and purpose!

 (Time and day to be decided by the two of us)

 “Rockin’ the Ages together!”


Includes: (3) 60 minute virtual group sessions with tutorials, discussions, and group interaction

Dates and Times to Be Determined! – Requires preliminary reading, writing and reflection

A great way to reconnect with your dreams and ambitions, and make some important things happen in your life!

 “if not now, when?”

Individual Life coaching

Includes: (6) individial (1 hour) zoom sessions – texting as needed

It’s time to pull some of your great dreams forward and make them happen. (If not now, when??)

Together we will determine what exactly you would like to accomplish, the steps you need to take to get there and experience the joy you will find when you finally succeed! You will receive clarification, motivation and encouragement.

(Time and day to be decided by the two of us)

 “grandmother day camp”



Exciting activities and games to share with your grandchildren

Ways to make great memories with your family

Book and movie suggestions

Group sharing of ideas

Recipes for large gatherings

Boosts for your own well-being

Make-up and fashion tips to help you look your best

Ways to present yourself with confidence

Great socializing with delightful peers

Delicious lunch

At my NEW FARMHOUSE near Chandler Heights and Recker Rd. in Gilbert, AZ

Wednesday, October 21st from 10:00am – 2:00pm

To register for Coaching or for Classes, please call Elizabeth at 480-229-8607 or email your request to [email protected]